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Rights department


Mr. Head of Department:
Dr. Ali Dhamnia

E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tel: 033501232

The department was established in 1997, and has been chaired by six professors since its inception respectively:

- Laadjal adjal mohamed Lamine.

- Ahmide Hania.

- Azri Zine.

- Meftah Abdeldjalil

- Haha Abdelghani

- Zouaoui Abbas.

- Adel Moustari.

- Achour Nacereddine


           Assistant Head of Department:


The assistant head of the department in charge of teaching and education in the gradient shall do the following

   - Follow-up of registration and re-enrollment of graduate students.

   - Keep the education going.

   -  Supervising the conduct of examinations and knowledge monitoring processes.

   It is assisted by both:

   - Head of Teaching Department.

   - Head of Education and Evaluation Follow-up Department.


 Assistant Head of Section is responsible for post-gradation
                                        Mrs. Badra Laouar

    E-mail:      This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The assistant head of department assigned after graduation and scientific research shall do the following:

 - To monitor the progress of education after graduation

 - Supervising the course of formation after the specialized gradation

 - Follow up research activities

 - Follow-up of the scientific committee of the department

Specialties offered by the Department:
Since its inception, the Department has been providing a general and special specialization in law. In the 2006/2007 season, the Department opened a specialization in administrative law in the LSD system, and a criminal course was opened during the academic year 2009/2010.

1. Within the general law

- Administrative Law

- General international law

2. Within the special law

- Family law

- Business law

Employment prospects for training in the Rights section

The training packages offered by the Rights Department will open for work or operation after passing the legally required competitions in the following areas:

1. The field of justice and its agents: judge, lawyer, judicial record, notary, secretary of the court, the involvement of the national security and the national gendarmerie as an officer.

2. Field of public administration: allows graduates of the college to work in central and local public administrations.

3 - the field of economic companies: The training also allows the rights to work in public or private economic institutions such as banks and insurance companies.

4 - Field of Education: The training provides the opportunity to work as a professor in the primary stage.


To communicate


University of biskra. BP. 145  RP-07000. Biskra-Algeria
Fax: 033-50-12-28
Phone: 033-50-12-19


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