licence-(L M D)
Field of study: 1-Law
private law
The special law is considered an important part of the law because of its branches, especially the Civil Code and the Family Law. The sections of this section deal with the special relations in all aspects, whether related to family building, mutual obligations between the spouses or the rights of the children or related to financial transactions between parties Civil or commercial, which interferes with the daily life of the individual and there is no doubt that these topics of importance, which requires study and depth, and justify the composition in this specialty, especially in light of the increasing volume of relations subject to private law and its breadth and the new problems that require specialization And deepen.
Public Law
The general law includes a number of important branches, especially administrative law, international law, and all branches of law that regulate the relations of which the state, state, municipality or a public administrative institution is a sovereign party. And deepen it, and justify the composition in this specialty.
Field of study: 2- Political Science
Political and administrative organization
The specialization is dominated by administrative and political aspects. The subjects studied are concerned with the study of the political and administrative systems and the official and informal rules that affect them at the level of the various countries. This specialization prepares for completion of the study in the specialization of local administration and governance at the master level.
International relations
This specialization is concerned with the study of subjects related to the interactions that take place at the level of the world, both intellectual and practical. It contains a number of articles related to international relations, in particular, international law, international relations theory, human rights, international conflicts, integration and integration.